Shyam Metalics bags the ‘Best Employer’ award
Shyam Metalics is a leading integrated metal-producing company based in India with a focus on long steel products and ferroalloys. We are amongst the largest producers of ferroalloys in terms of installed capacity in India. We’ve been awarded as the “Best Employer” for Employee Well-Being Category at the World HRD Congress awards for the year 2023. This recognition has been awarded for various activities and programs that we carry for the well-being of our teams.
At Shyam Metalics, we ensure that all our policies and programs are well-ideated. And we will continue to focus on various initiatives that are beneficial for the overall development of our teams. We are glad to be recognised for delivering a positive impact on our employees. This recognition validates our focus on employee-centric initiatives and commitment towards promoting a healthy and balanced work environment.
There were around 15,000 entries in 6 different categories and four major rounds were conducted for all the entries. In the first round, an academic evaluation of the companies was done by the professors of IIM and equivalent colleges. At the second industry expert round, the companies were presented at a national and international level. The third evaluation was done by the jury which was followed by a question and answer round. Around 28 entries made it to the finals after the fourth evaluation round.
This year the World HRD Congress took place in New Delhi and was presented by Times Ascent. The award was received by our Chief Human Resource Officer Mr. B. Panda. We feel elated to be honored with this award and aim to strive always for the betterment of our employees.